Wednesday, May 28, 2008

You Must Be So Happy to Be Home?

This is what everyone says when you come home from the hospital after a couple of weeks. "You must be so happy to be home?!"

Truth is, at home:

I don't have the lady knocking on our door every morning asking if she can clean our room.

I don't have the nurses that come in and ask if they can clean Austin up, give him his meds, help change him, reposition him, or make him more comfortable.

I don't have the volunteers come by to ask if we need a movie or a book or anything to do.

I don't have the guy in the purple vest come by and ask if I'd like anything from the snack cart.

I don't have anyone that comes by to see Austin from the Omaha baseball team, or the hockey team, or the car racing team.

I don't have the elevator that conveniently takes me down to the coffee shop or the gift shop or the cafeteria (where I do not have to cook).

I don't have the bills, or the laundry, or the errands, or anything else that needs my attention ... only Austin.

BUT, at home:

We are back in the privacy of our own quiet home with Kevin, Amber, and the puppies and able to sleep in our own comfy beds. Even though it is a lot more work, it is definitely worth it!!!


Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

I've been thinking about how busy you must be! Take care of yourself. I'm praying!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

In the words of Dorothy: There's no place like home. :o)

Laurie said...

Yes, I agree with both Marilyn and Amy. There's no place like home AND I hope you are remembering to take care of YOU!

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


Lapbook Unit 2