Monday, June 16, 2008

New Meds and New Jobs

Amber got a job! Yippee! She is now a waitress for Village Inn. She started her training tonight and seemed to enjoy it. Austin was pretty impressed when she came home with her Village Inn "Amber" name tag!

I'm working again too. I'm doing medical transcription at home for the physical therapy group I had last year. So far it seems to be working out fine squeezing it in between summer homeschooling. I really enjoy the work and it will give us a little extra money.

Austin has been chugging along on his IV meds until today. The homehealth nurses come out on Mondays to do labs, and his labs today showed elevated liver enzymes. He was also starting to have some ringing in his ears I think. He acted like his ears were bothering him. So the doctor switched him to a different IV med that needs to be infused every 8 hours. Homehealth had to come out and give the first infusion to make sure he did okay with it. That was at 5:30 this evening. So, yes, I am up waiting to give his 1:30 a.m. dose. But I think I'll gradually cut off a half hour until I get to 6 a.m. - 2 p.m. - 10 p.m. That will be easier to live with! The infusion runs over 30 minutes.

Austin's back has been healing really well, but he has started getting his leg spasms back and even more spasticity and discomfort through his right arm. He has been having trouble sleeping too. So, the doctor prescribed another medicine on top of the oral Baclofen and Valium. Between these meds and some warm packs, I think it is getting better. The neurosurgeon said he could get another baclofen pump possibly after the antibiotics are done, but it wouldn't be easy. The normal route may not be feasible with all the scar tissue in his back and it may have to be put in the neck area. But...I'm not ready to think about that yet!


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I've been missing you!

You have been given a blog award by little ol' me!!!
A Redeemed Sheep

Anonymous said...

I love your statement written under your blog name. I hope that your family is well.

Fellow weaverette,

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


Lapbook Unit 2