Monday, February 18, 2008

Its the Flu

We took Austin to the ER last night because his temperature had been running up to 104, and he had started vomiting. He tested positive for influenza! We are thankful that it wasn't a blazing infection. We are also thankful we didn't have to check in to another room upstairs!


Laurie said...

Who'd of thought we'd celebrate the flu? Celebrating that it is not an infection and that you didn't need to stay.

Bless his heart, hope he's feeling better soon!

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I'm praising God for the flu, too!!

I'm still praying!

MindiLou said...

Oh Teresa! Yes,that is rather crazy that you are being thankful for the flu! But, hey, atleast now you have answers! Thank heavens!

Missie said...

Glad to hear it wasn't something "serious". Seems like EVERYONE is dealing with this "flu/virus" stuff lately.

Chin up!

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


Lapbook Unit 2