Friday, February 8, 2008

Happy and Sad

We got to come home from the hospital last night. Austin's bone scan and CT scans were considered normal. This is good right? And I am happy. But then why am I sad?

Because I know something is wrong and I don't know what it is. His temperature spikes are down to 100 degrees. According to the hospital this is not considered a fever. That is good right? But it is still not normal is it? His sed rate and CRP are down, and that is good right? But they still are not normal.

One of the rheumatology tests were elevated; a test for inflammatory bowel disease. They came and took more blood before we left. This was for an IBD panel which will be sent away to another lab. But, the rheumatologist said the normal symptoms for IBD are stomach pain and diarrhea. Austin has neither. And this is good right? And I am happy.

But I am sad.


Lifedreamed said...

I'm praying for Austin and your family. Good luck with the tests. Glad you're home.

weavermom said...

Glad you are home! I so hope that the tests will show something useful!

Linda Tolle said...

Teresa, it seems like the Doc's are leaving no stone unturned. Something has to show up eventually. That doesn't make the waiting and not knowing any easier. My prayers are with Austin, that he'll feel better and his doctors will get this figured out.

Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

I'm praying you get some answers soon. I can relate to the "I am happy" and "I am sad" feelings.

Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

I am praying for the source to be revealed! You guys have had some rough times. sigh...

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


Lapbook Unit 2