Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

Austin and I joined in on a Valentine Swap with an online homeschool group I belong to. Austin made some Disney/Pixar valentines up and also sent out candy. I decided to make my own, and took a couple pictures above. I think I did pretty good considering I've never made my own cards before. I had a few extra, so I sent one to my new friend, my Aunt in California, and to my Grandma.

Austin is doing good. He is back to his adaptive P.E./Life Skills classes, and he is also back to full-time homeschooling. He still tends to get warm before bed time. His temperature averages about 100.5 before bed. I haven't heard anything back yet on his IBD panel.

Amber informs me she has two dates tomorrow night. Hmmmnnn. I wonder how she is going to pull this off?

Happy Valentines Day!


Marilyn@A Mixed Bouquet said...

Those cards are beautiful!

Lifedreamed said...

I love the cards! The are beautiful.

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


Lapbook Unit 2