Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hospital Update

Well here it is Sunday the 28th, and we still do not know much of anything. We do know that his blood cultured out to show staph or a couple other different bugs. They took him off his first antibiotic and started a new IV antibiotic. But he has still been running fevers so they added another IV antibiotic on top of that. Austin says he has no pain anywhere. Neurosurgery came in to see if it might have anything to do with his baclofen pump...but they didn't think so. Surgery came in to look at a small cyst he has on his rear end...but they didn't think that was the source of his problem. All abdomen and chest x-rays looked fine. They ordered spine x-rays yesterday, but it is so hard to see anything with all his spinal fusion hardware in there. Orthopedics just came in and they are ordering a bone scan and a MRI of his pelvis tomorrow.

Austin was going to be a policeman for Halloween. He was so excited. But I'm afraid he will still be here. Does anyone have any good ideas to make Halloween fun in the hospital? I was thinking maybe he could take candy to other patients dressed up, but I don't think they would let him because he still has fevers.


Lifedreamed said...

can you dress him up as a police officer and can we then reverse trick or treat him through the day - meaning we bring him the candy. if the hospital will allow this, please let me know as i would love to do this for your son. you can find my e-mail me through my blog. just look in my profile. i'll await your answer. good luck to you and your family.

molly said...

Wasn't Austin in the hospital this time last year? I will start praying for all of you. Amber was talking to Colton the other day and she was telling him about Austin and her dad crying. She said she hasn't seen her dad cry in years. I would love to come give you a break. Do you have any idea how long he will be there? I am here if you need anything. Is he in Childrens? Let me know if you would like a break. Talk to you soon. Love, Molly

MindiLou said...

Hey Teresa! I will come and give that Police Officer some treats for Halloween! I will call you tomorrow for sure, Its lat now and I don't to wake up my buddy! Let me know waht I can do to help! got your message, sounds like things are getting a little better!!

Lifedreamed said...

happy halloween. how is austin doing?

weavermom said...

Thinking of you today and praying that Austin's Halloween was a good memory!

Sammy...Go...Fetch...Hop, Hop, Hop


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